10 space themed craft ideas

10 Exciting Space Craft Ideas For A Kid’s Party

Welcome to my intergalactic blog post where we’ll explore 10 awesome craft ideas for a kids’ space-themed birthday party. If your little one is a budding astronaut or simply loves all things space, then these ideas are sure to be a hit!

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Space Craft Ideas

1. Planet Suncatchers – Use freezer paper, glue, and tissue paper to create planet-shaped sun catchers. Hang them in the window to catch the light and create a beautiful space-themed display.

2. DIY Space Helmets: Set up a craft station where the kids can make their very own space helmets using cardboard boxes, silver paint, and some colorful stickers. They’ll love wearing them during the party and pretending they’re on a mission to explore the galaxy.

3. Planet Mobile: With some Styrofoam balls, paint, and string, the kids can make their own planet mobiles to hang in their bedrooms. They can paint each planet to look like the real thing, or come up with their own unique designs.

4. Moon Sand: Kids can explore sensory play with this soft moon sand. Provide containers for them to be able to take some sand home and it doubles as a party favor!

5. Space Alien Handprint Craft – Use green paint to make a handprint on paper, and then use markers or paint to add eyes, antennae, and other alien features. It’s a great way to make your own little green man.

6. Moon Rocks: Using some salt dough and silver glitter, the kids can make their own moon rocks to take home as a party favor. They can shape the dough into rocks and then sprinkle the glitter on top to make them look like they’re covered in moon dust.

7. Alien Headbands: For a fun and silly craft, have the kids make alien headbands using green pipe cleaners and googly eyes. They can wear them throughout the party and make funny alien noises.

8. Food Art Constellations: Use pretzels and marshmallows to craft your own space constellations. These are super simple to make and you can print out these free constellation cards by The Moments At Home. The kids can learn while they play with their food!

9. Galaxy Snow Globe: A jar with a lid, food coloring, baby oil, and glitter make these galaxy snow globes and quick and fun space party craft. Glue the lid on and the kids will be able to play with them time and time again, imagining what it would be like to float in space!

10. Space Slime: Make some DIY space slime using glue, contact solution, baking soda, and glitter. The kids can customize their slime with different colors and glitter to make it look like a planet or a galaxy.

There you have it, folks! Ten awesome craft ideas for a kids’ space-themed birthday party that are sure to make your little astronauts feel like they’re exploring the galaxy. So get ready for lift-off and let the crafting begin!


10 space themed craft ideas


How to make a planet suncatcher

How To Make A Planet Suncatcher

In light of our little man turning one this week with a First Trip Around The Sun themed party, we are learning about space and making a fun planet suncatcher!

They are so easy to make and can be done by kids of all ages. It would make a perfect craft for any Space Party!


Suncatcher Instructions

You’ll need:

Step 1: Tape the paper to cardboard

First, tape a sheet of freezer paper to a piece of cardboard. This gives the kids a sturdy place to work, keeps the paper from trying to roll up, and makes it easy to transfer the project to a safe place to dry.

Step 2: Add lots of glue

Next, Paint on a thick layer of glue, covering the entire center of the paper. You will want this big enough to cover the entire suncatcher.

Step 3: It’s time for designing!

Let the kids cover the glue with pieces of tissue paper. Make sure all of the glue gets covered for best results. Also, a single layer of tissue paper will show more light through than multiple layer. You will want to make sure you don’t have multiple pieces of tissue paper stuck together.

How to make a suncatcher

Step 4: Make your suncatcher outline

You can use construction paper to create an outline for your planets. Using dark paper for your planet outline helps create a nice contrast when the final suncatcher is put in a window.

To make the outline, cut out a large circular planet shape. Then cut out the center of the shape, leaving a 1 inch border.

Step 5: Attach the outline

Cover the tissue paper with glue to create a protective layer and keep everything flat. Glue the construction paper over the tissue paper and cover this with glue as well.

Step 6: Let the suncatcher dry

Depending on how much glue you use, this might take awhile. Set it in the sun or in front of a fan for quicker drying.

Step 7: Remove freezer paper and hang it up

Finally, remove the freezer paper from the back of the suncatcher design and cut out the planet. You can punch a hole in the top and add yarn to hang it up or simply tape it to a window.

Planet suncatcher

TA-DA!!! You have beautiful suncatchers for your little space explorers to enjoy!

I’d love to hear from you!!!

Let me know if I’ve inspired you today! I would absolutely love seeing your suncatcher creations so make sure you add me on Instagram and Facebook and tag me! I can’t wait to see your creations!


Rocket water bottle wrap

How To Make A Rocket Water Bottle

Throwing a space-themed birthday party for your child can be a blast, but it can also be challenging to come up with creative and fun ideas to make the party memorable. One idea is to make printable rocket water bottle wraps to add a fun and personalized touch to your child’s outer space birthday party.


Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make a printable rocket water bottle wrap:


Step 1: Download the rocket water bottle wrap template

The first step is to download the free printable rocket water bottle wrap template.

Step 2: Print the template

Once you have downloaded the template, print it on white printer paper. Make sure your printer settings are set to high quality to ensure that the colors come out vibrant and crisp. You can use a lightweight cardstock if you want a little more rigidity to your rocket.

Step 3: Cut out the template

Use scissors to carefully cut out the printed template along the outer lines.

Step 4: Wrap the rocket template around the water bottle

Take the cut-out template and wrap it around the water bottle. Use glue or tape to secure the ends of the template together.

Step 5: Make the wings

Each of the three wings have four lines on them. The two center lines are the guidelines for where you fold the paper in. The two outside lines, by the triangle edges, are to be folded out. When it’s done, you should have a flat surface to tape to the rocket water bottle with a triangle wing sticking straight out.

Step 6: Make the cone top

Wrap the half circle shaped piece into a cone shape. Secure with tape or glue. You can either tape it to the water bottle or simply let it sit on top.

Step 7: Repeat for all water bottles

Once you have decorated your first water bottle wrap, repeat the process for all of the other water bottles you have.


Rocket water bottle wrap Pin

In conclusion, making printable rocket water bottle wraps is a fun and easy way to add a personal touch to your child’s outer space birthday party. With just a few materials and some time, you can create unique and memorable decorations that will make your child’s special day even more fun and exciting.

I would love to hear from you!

Please be sure to add me on Instagram and Facebook and tag me if you use this awesome printable!!! I can’t wait to see how you use them!


First Trip Around The Sun Party
rocket chalk

Rocket Chalk Party Favor – Free Printable!

If you’re looking for a super cheap and easy party favor for any kid’s Outer Space themed party, check out these rocket chalk favors!

These come together in minutes and if you buy chalk from the Dollar Tree or when they are on sale, then these can be some of the most affordable party favors you’d find!


rocket chalk pinterest pin

How to make the rocket chalk

To make these rocket chalk favors:

  1. Download my free printable! (I have more free space printables in my printable library!!!)
rocket chalk

2. Print on heavy cardstock (You can even print on colored paper to match your party colors!)

rocket chalk printable

3. Cut out using guide lines.

cut out design

4. Attach chalk using sticky tack.

attach chalk using sticky tack

That’s it!

Super quick and easy, right?!

Let me know how they go for your Space Party! Please tag me on Instagram or Facebook!


First Trip Around The Sun Party
astronaut food

Astronaut Food Applesauce Pouch – Free Printable

Your little space explorer will absolutely love getting Astronaut Food at their Space party! You can also use these in a lunch box for an awesome surprise!

The best part? They’re FREE!


How to make:

To make these Astronaut Food pouches:

  1. Download my free printable! (I have more free printables in my printable library!!!)
astronaut food

2. Print on sticker paper.

Applesauce Astronaut food printable

3. Cut out.

Cut out designs

4. Attach to the front and back of each applesauce pouch.

Stick on applesauce

That’s it!

Super quick and easy, right?!

I’d love to hear from you and see how you use these for your own kids! Please tag me on Instagram or Facebook!


First Trip Around The Sun Party
first trip around the sun

A First Trip Around The Sun Party

My youngest just turned one, y’all! I have been wanting to do a space themed party for awhile so I took this opportunity to do a First Trip Around The Sun party for my little man.

In this post you’ll be able to see how I brought the party together in these areas:

*Check out my photo gallery for the full party album!*


This post may contain affiliate links. Feel free to read my full disclosure if you want to learn more!

First Trip Around The Sun Party Backdrop

When I originally planned this party, it was going to be at my house. When my family decided to celebrate family Easter on the same day, I had to change my plan for my backdrop. (Please don’t mind the Easter items that may be in the pictures, haha)

First Trip Around The Sun Party backdrop

I ended up making a backdrop with a black background, 2 boxes of an outer space balloon kit on Amazon, and made 3 wooden geometric arches which were covered with contact paper (I got the white from Walmart, but the yellow and stars came from Amazon.)

It would have been nice to able to get instructions for how I made the arches, but I had to do them within 2 days so I was more focused on just getting them done.

I know my yellow half circle looks a little out of place, but in my defense, I had yellow/orange balloon planets that were supposed to go on my arch to tie it all together. Unfortunately, with 7 kids, nieces, and nephews running around, the planets were the first casualties.

Birthday boy with his smash cake

My little one definitely loved his cake!

Space Themed Food

I don’t know about you, but I love making my food match my party theme. One of the things people usually remember most about any party is if they liked the food or not, so to me, tying in the party theme is an easy way to help make it memorable (in a good way).

My stepdad wanted hamburgers and hotdogs for the main meal which is not pictured. (We took party pictures before he grilled them)

Main Food Items

“Meaty-or Meatballs” are super simple, quick, and a great party food! Add a glittery star to a toothpick to each meatball for easy handling. I made the stars on my cricut machine, but you can cut them out by hand, use a star punch, or even find similar options on Etsy that others make and ship for you!

Meaty-or meatballs

Side Items

“Space Chips” go perfectly with meatballs. I chose tortilla chips since I wanted to make homemade dips, but you can easily use Funyuns as “Saturn’s Rings”, Cheese Balls as “Asteroids” or “Meteors”, or you can be like me and choose any chips that match your menu and make them “Space Chips” (I like that it sounds like “space ships”, haha).

Space chips

Speaking of dips… I had 3! “Sun Flare Salsa” which is a store bought salsa that we like, “Blast Off Bean Dip”, and “Galaxy Guacamole”. You could easily add a “Celestial Cheese Dip” to the mix as well!

Space Dips- Sun flare salsa, Blast off bean dip, & Galaxy guacamole

One of my favorite things about the party was this “Fruity Planet”. I wish I would have had more time to work on it though. I think it would look better if the pineapples and strawberries were more even in height and better fitting.

It could have been more amazing if I would have added more berry skewers to give the rings a more definite path. It still turned out pretty awesome and it ended up being a perfect side for our party!

Fruity Planet

Space Themed Drink

For the drink, I made a Lunar Lemonade (most people call it Galaxy Lemonade). I really love how the colors change and I added edible glitter to my ice stars to give it more of a galactic feel. This lemonade drink is definitely a big hit at parties!

Lunar Lemonade/Galaxy lemonade

Cakes & Treats

What’s a kid’s party without cake & treats?! For this First Trip Around The Sun party, we had a smash cake, dairy free cookies and cupcakes, “Constellation In A Cup”, and Moon Pies.

How cute is this smash cake?! Baking In Wonderland made the cake and cookies for this party and the kids really loved them all!

First trip around the sun cake and cookies

Moon Pies are probably one of the easiest Space Party foods to incorporate in a space party. Half of my family is dairy free so we had Oreos as a dairy free alternative. (Peep my rocket water bottles in the background! This free printable is in my printable library!)

These wooden boxes come from the Dollar Tree. I simply painted them to match the party colors.

If you want a fun art project for your space party, these “Constellation In A Cup” treats are an easy option that the kids love (cause what kid doesn’t love playing with their food?!).

As a bonus, it is also a simple way to teach kids about stars and constellations so they can learn something while they play.

Constellation in a cup

Kid’s Table & Party Favors

The kid’s table had a spacy plastic tablecloth (same one was used for the food table), black and blue plates, and the party favors that I made!

Kid's table

The treat bags were made with plain black treat bags. I made a cute design with silver vinyl on my Cricut machine to put on them and then printed one of my thank you tags to attach to them.

Inside I added star glasses that I got from Hobby Lobby, “Astronaut Food” applesauce, and a chalk “rocket”.

I have the chalk printable for free in my printable library! Simply print on cardstock, cut out, and stick a chalk on it with sticky tack! -EASY!

First trip around the sun party favors

My final party favor was some homemade galaxy play dough. You can find the full details in this post!

Deep Space Dough/ Home made galaxy play dough

The last thing I had for this party is this awesome photo prop! The kids all had a lot of fun taking pictures with it.

I made a sturdy stand with PVC pipes. It was nice that it was easy to travel with, quick to put together and take apart, and safe enough for kids to play around.

photo prop

Party Credits:

You can find all of the First Trip Around The Sun party photos in my gallery.

Please let me know if I’ve inspired you today! I’d love to hear from you! Make sure to tag me on Instagram and Facebook!


10 space themed craft ideas for kids parties
Star decorative stand decoration

How To Make A Cheap Star Decorative Stand

This post may contain affiliate links. Feel free to read my full disclosure if you want to learn more!

I’m here to show you how to make a cheap star decorative stand!

My youngest is about to turn one *insert sad tears* and for his birthday we are doing a “First Trip Around The Sun” themed party!

Now, I really don’t have much for space themed items so I’ve decided to make some!

Today’s project: a silver and gold star decorative stand!

Star Decorative Stand

These are the items I used to make the star stand.


1. Draw your stars on the foam block.

I knew what size I wanted my stars, but I’m not a fan of my freehand drawings, so the first thing I did was get on my Cricut machine to make my star stencils. I made 4 stars: 4.5″, 3.75″, 3″, and 2.25″.

You can free hand the stars, use (or make) a stencil, or use whatever star shaped items you have lying around if it’s the size and shape you want.

Draw stars on foam

2. Cut out the stars.

I used my soldering iron to cut out the stars since that’s what I had on hand. A foam cutting tool would be perfect for this though and would make straighter cuts, but you can use whatever is available to you! (If you’ve got the time and patience, you can also cut them out with a knife or blade)

I highly recommend doing this outside if you use a soldering iron since it melts the foam which produces a lot of smoke.

Cut out stars

3. Straighten the edges to your liking.

stars for star decorative stand

4. Make a rectangle for the base of the star decorative stand. I did free hand this part, and it ended up being about 2″x 5.5″.

cut out base

5. Cut the dow rod to the length you’d like and paint them. I cut 3 different sizes: 2″, 3″, and 4.5″. You may need different lengths, depending on the size of your stars and where/how you want them positioned. Make sure you have at least 1″ extra for the part that goes in the base and the bottom of the star (about .5″ each)

paint rods for star decorative stand

6. Paint the stars with Mod Podge and then cover with the metal flakes.

mod podge the stars
add metal flakes

7. Use a soft brush to get the excess flakes off of the star so only the part that’s glued down will be left.

use soft brush to remove excess flakes

8. Continue adding Mod Podge and flakes on all the sides and front of each star until they are covered to your liking.

cover the sides

9. Paint the base.

paint star decorative stand black

10. Insert the dow rods into the base of the stars. I used the rounded end of a paintbrush to start the holes so it wouldn’t mess up the foam by pushing a flat end of wood into it.

poke hole in base of stars
Add dow rods to stars

11. Put the stars into the base. I used the end of the paintbrush for this as well.

add stars to the base of the decorative stand

12. You can use hot glue to secure the stars to the rods, the rods to the base, and to glue stars directly onto the base of the star decorative stand if you want.

hot glue onto stand

All done!!! Isn’t this a super easy and fun project?!

I can’t wait til I can get pictures of this with the rest of the party decor! Here’s a quick pic with my awesome moon I made to go with the party theme!

star decorative stand

Leave me a comment below and tell me what you think! I’d also love to hear from you if I’ve inspired you to make a star decorative stand yourself!